Small Business Paperwork & Work Station Organization
Paperwork is not your expertise & you’re too busy to do it yourself.
You don't have enough staff to maintain your current system.
You need a system to be established, and then your staff will maintain it.
We can identify older paperwork that can be stored out of the way of high-traffic areas.
We will point out paperwork that can be removed and shredded. We can take it to be shredded for you by an outside provider if need be.
We can assist with a system for your workspace that works for you, digital organization, backing up & scanning of your important documents.
Maintenance by us, as needed.

Paperwork Organization is an important part of an organized life.
Home Office Paperwork & Work Space Organization
Establishing an organized system for your paperwork and your workspace that works for you.
Helpful suggestions if you need to tweak your current system.
Identifying & reviewing important documents and where they should be stored safely.
We can identify paperwork that can be moved to the garage, hall closet or storage unit.
We will notify you of the paperwork timelines and what can be shredded.
Assistance if you need to consolidate your paperwork before moving.
We assist with digital organization, backing up & scanning your important documents.
Maintenance by us, as needed.
Tiffany was awarded Idaho Veteran's Chamber Spouse Business Owner of the Year in November 2023